The power of herbs

Essential oils #Lavender & orange

Aromatherapy makes selective use of essential oils with the specific aim of transferring their individual power, which comes solely from nature, to body and mind. Knowing how these oils work helps us in this task. In this second part of our series “Essential Oils” we focus on the special aspects of orange and lavender essential oils.

The great diversity of essential oils means they have a broad spectrum of possible applications. This allows us to choose specific oils for our individual needs.

Essentail oil Orange

In Europe, fresh oranges grow primarily around the Mediterranean. Other areas of the world where they are cultivated include Israel, South Africa and Florida. However, these citrus plants originate from north-east India and south-west China.

Cold-pressed orange peel oil, a by-product of orange juice production, is separated directly during centrifugation. The essential oil comes exclusively from the peel and consists mainly of D-limonene. Sustainability: the whole fruit is used in juice production and this valuable essential oil comes from the “waste” peel.

This fruit-scented oil has a number of effects in aromatherapy. Research shows the mood-lifting and exhilarating effect of the essential oil; it also helps to soothe the symptoms of depression. In an alternative context, the oil has a calming, in certain circumstances even a sedative effect. Other information sources identify the harmonising effect as a characteristic of orange peel essential oil, which makes it ideal for promoting calm and inner balance.

Essential Oil Lavender

Originally native to the western Mediterranean, lavender grows on almost every continent and is used as a medicinal plant.

Its medicinal use in Europe can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. The name laven-der stems from the Latin word lavare (to wash) because the plant was originally added to washing and bathing water. Today, the most important areas of use of lavender essential oil include the psychological field.

Lavender oil is used for:

  • Stress
  • Tension
  • Anxiety
  • Sleeplessness / sleep disorders
  • Panic attacks
  • General restlessness

Lavender oil is obtained from the flower heads and leaves of the plant using steam distillation. Ac-cording to scientists, linalool is the active ingredient mainly responsible for the positive effects of lavender oil on our psyche. Japanese researchers discovered that the effect of this substance works entirely through our sense of smell. Another reason why lavender is so frequently used in aroma-therapy.

Lavender oil & orange peel oil in combination

The two oils complement each other extremely well and justify their claim to a place in every home pharmacy. Used in combination they promise optimum efficacy for:

  • Increasing sleep quality
  • Relieving low mood
  • Calming nerves in stressful situations
  • Promoting a feeling of general well-being

JUST products with lavender and orange

Our 100% natural essential oils work with the whole power of soothing herbs and plants.

Not only our pure Lavender oil but also Guduchi Roll-on and Anti-Stress-Öl contain powerful lavender essential oil. You can magically create an oasis of well-being within your own four walls with Lavande room spray or the lavender oil-enriched bath essence Melisse.

Fruity orange peel oil is found in the mono oil Orange, the Gardenia Roll-on and in the indulgent Sacha Inchi shower oil. As you would expect, the soothing qualities of both oils are present in our all-round solution 31 herb oil.

Oil care DIY

Personalised care oils that can be simply prepared at home are very popular at the moment because you can choose fragrances to suit your perception of scent. You can add a few drops of your preferred essential oils (maximum 5 per application) to a base oil or, for example JUST Almond Care Lotion create your own soothing skin care solution.

Further applications of essential oils in aromatherapy are discussed in the article below.
Essential oils (